

Hi Friends! in this new blog you would learn about Organic Food in Ancash!!!

Why is Organic Food important ?

Organic Food is important because it hasn`t got any chemicals. Organic food is 100% natural. If you eat this type of food , you will  have more vitamins in your body.

Organic Food   =   Healthy People

Andrea Iglesias

Learning about Ancash

Ancash is located at the north of Lima between the Pacific Ocean and Marañon.It has some of coast and it, also has some of  highlands and it has animals like  deers, the "vicuña", the spectabled bear, etc. Ancash has many festivals like the turistic week of Saint Pedrito, the Easter week in Huaraz. In the first sunday of October in Huarmey, they celebrate the Virgin Of The Rosary and other festivals.

Maria Alejandra Rocca

Organic Food                    

The word "organic" refers to a way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farming are designed to encourage soil and water conservation and reduce pollution. Farmers who grow Organic food don`t use conventional methods to fertilize, control weeds, or prevent livestock like disease. Rather than using chemical weedkillers, organic farmers may conduct more sophisticades crop rotations and spread multch or manure to keep weeds at bay.

Gabriel Ramirez



 More about Organic Food


Organic refers to the agricultural systems used to produce food and fiber. Organic farming systems do not use toxic chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Instead, they are based on the development of biological diversity and the maintenance and replenishment of soil fertility. Organic foods are minimally processed to maintain the integrity of the food without artificial ingredients, preservatives, or irradiation.


It is important to know that...

Organic farming in Peru is advancing positions to be among one of the best organic food producers around the world. We produce coffee, cocoa, organic bananas,and asparagus.


We know that organic food hasn't got any chemicals, so it is a way to mantain our body healthier in order to have a better life. Moreover, it is a way to keep our planet clean, without any chemicals which are being affecting the environment






Many people buy organic food because they believe that chemicals aren´t good for their health.they are worried about the artificial chemicals which can produce  pollution.Organic farmers use natural ways to increase soil fertility.Compost is rotted down plant waste. They also grow quick-growing plants such as clover, alfalfa and mustard on their fields.
Organic farmers often use crop rotation to keep their soil healthy. This means varying which plants they grow on each section of their land. This help to keep the soil fertile, as some crops, such as beans, help add nutrients to the soil.it also make sure insects and others pests attracted to the crop.For example, they grow potatoes on a fields one year, onions and carrots the next, then beans and peas, and finally cabbages.


Marta Corbacho ;)


Identifying Organic Food

Organic food usually contains only organic ingredients. If non-organic ingredients are present, at least a certain percentage of the food's total plant and animal ingredients must be organic (95% in the United States, Canada and Australia) and any non-organically produced ingredients are subject to various agricultural requirements.







Young peruvian use Social Media to Promote Agro-Ecoligical Production


A group of young people from the national association of ecological producers in peru (ANPEPERÙ), promote organic farming and an ecological approach towards agriculture, with the use information and communication technology tools such as Social media.
Maylie Carrasco is one of the young people project who participates in the project.In a peruvian news,she explain about agro-ecoligical products 

Advantages of eating Organic Food

  • It`s healthier than other kind of food.

  • It`s produced without using conventional pesticides.

  • Organic poultry, eggs, meat and dairy products come from animals that are not given antibiotics in growth hormones. 


Maria Alejandra Rocca

Examples of Organic Food:








-Strowberry, etc.





Gonzalo Montoya


I think that this topic is very interesting because it can help people to know and be more careful about what they usually eat like fast food which is very dangerous. Instead, they would learn that they have another option to maintain their body healthier.

Maria Alejandra Rocca :)

This project helped me to know more about Organic Food. In the beginning of this project I didn't know nothing about this topic, I didn't know anything about it but I investigated with my friends and my mentor and now I know more about this topic that is very healthier for our body.

Gonzalo Montoya :)

I think that one of the main reasons people should consider eating organic food is to avoid consuming fruits or vegetables that are sprayed with harmful pesticides to reduce several diseases especially in children.

Andrea Iglesias :)

I think that we choose “Organic Food” because we don’t know anything about it I like this all week lerning more; we couldn’t do all this whiteout the help of Miss Karina Del Águila

Marta Corbacho :) 


I think that if you eat Organic Food is food for make your body healthier and be protected of ills.


Gabriel Ramirez :)